.. amqpstorm documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Apr 10 16:25:24 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. AMQPStorm Documentation ======================= Thread-safe Python RabbitMQ Client & Management library. Installation ------------ The latest version can be installed using `pip `_ and is available at pypi `here `_ :: pip install amqpstorm You can also install AMQPStorm with the management dependencies using. :: pip install amqpstorm[management] You can also install AMQPStorm with the pool dependencies using. :: pip install amqpstorm[pool] Basic Example ------------- :: with amqpstorm.Connection('rmq.amqpstorm.io', 'guest', 'guest') as connection: with connection.channel() as channel: channel.queue.declare('fruits') message = amqpstorm.Message.create( channel, body='Hello RabbitMQ!', properties={ 'content_type': 'text/plain' }) message.publish('fruits') Additional Examples ------------------- A wide verity of examples are available on Github at `here `_ .. toctree:: :caption: Usage :name: usage usage/connection usage/channel usage/exceptions usage/message .. toctree:: :caption: Management API Usage :name: api_usage api_usage/api api_usage/exception .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Examples :name: examples examples/* .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Pool Examples :name: pool_examples pool_examples/* .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Management Examples :name: management_examples management_examples/* Issues ------ Please report any issues on Github `here `_ Source ------ AMQPStorm source code is available on Github `here `_ Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`