Source code for amqpstorm.message

"""AMQPStorm Message."""

import json
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

from amqpstorm.base import BaseMessage
from amqpstorm.compatibility import try_utf8_decode
from amqpstorm.exception import AMQPMessageError

[docs] class Message(BaseMessage): """RabbitMQ Message. e.g. :: # Message Properties. properties = { 'content_type': 'text/plain', 'expiration': '3600', 'headers': {'key': 'value'}, } # Create a new message. message = Message.create(channel, 'Hello RabbitMQ!', properties) # Publish the message to a queue called, 'my_queue'. message.publish('my_queue') :param Channel channel: AMQPStorm Channel :param bytes,str,unicode body: Message payload :param dict method: Message method :param dict properties: Message properties :param bool auto_decode: Auto-decode strings when possible. Does not apply to to_dict, or to_tuple. """ __slots__ = [ '_decode_cache' ] def __init__(self, channel, body=None, method=None, properties=None, auto_decode=True): super(Message, self).__init__( channel, body, method, properties, auto_decode ) self._decode_cache = dict()
[docs] @staticmethod def create(channel, body, properties=None): """Create a new Message. :param Channel channel: AMQPStorm Channel :param bytes,str,unicode body: Message payload :param dict properties: Message properties :rtype: Message """ properties = dict(properties or {}) if 'correlation_id' not in properties: properties['correlation_id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) if 'message_id' not in properties: properties['message_id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) if 'timestamp' not in properties: properties['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow() return Message(channel, auto_decode=False, body=body, properties=properties)
@property def body(self): """Return the Message Body. If auto_decode is enabled, the body will automatically be decoded using decode('utf-8') if possible. :rtype: bytes,str,unicode """ if not self._auto_decode: return self._body if 'body' in self._decode_cache: return self._decode_cache['body'] body = try_utf8_decode(self._body) self._decode_cache['body'] = body return body @property def channel(self): """Return the Channel used by this message. :rtype: Channel """ return self._channel @property def method(self): """Return the Message Method. If auto_decode is enabled, all strings will automatically be decoded using decode('utf-8') if possible. :rtype: dict """ return self._try_decode_utf8_content(self._method, 'method') @property def properties(self): """Returns the Message Properties. If auto_decode is enabled, all strings will automatically be decoded using decode('utf-8') if possible. :rtype: dict """ return self._try_decode_utf8_content(self._properties, 'properties')
[docs] def ack(self): """Acknowledge Message. :raises AMQPInvalidArgument: Invalid Parameters :raises AMQPChannelError: Raises if the channel encountered an error. :raises AMQPConnectionError: Raises if the connection encountered an error. :return: """ if not self._method: raise AMQPMessageError( 'Message.ack only available on incoming messages' ) self._channel.basic.ack(delivery_tag=self.delivery_tag)
[docs] def nack(self, requeue=True): """Negative Acknowledgement. :raises AMQPInvalidArgument: Invalid Parameters :raises AMQPChannelError: Raises if the channel encountered an error. :raises AMQPConnectionError: Raises if the connection encountered an error. :param bool requeue: Re-queue the message """ if not self._method: raise AMQPMessageError( 'Message.nack only available on incoming messages' ) self._channel.basic.nack(delivery_tag=self.delivery_tag, requeue=requeue)
[docs] def reject(self, requeue=True): """Reject Message. :raises AMQPInvalidArgument: Invalid Parameters :raises AMQPChannelError: Raises if the channel encountered an error. :raises AMQPConnectionError: Raises if the connection encountered an error. :param bool requeue: Re-queue the message """ if not self._method: raise AMQPMessageError( 'Message.reject only available on incoming messages' ) self._channel.basic.reject(delivery_tag=self.delivery_tag, requeue=requeue)
[docs] def publish(self, routing_key, exchange='', mandatory=False, immediate=False): """Publish Message. :param str routing_key: Message routing key :param str exchange: The exchange to publish the message to :param bool mandatory: Requires the message is published :param bool immediate: Request immediate delivery :raises AMQPInvalidArgument: Invalid Parameters :raises AMQPChannelError: Raises if the channel encountered an error. :raises AMQPConnectionError: Raises if the connection encountered an error. :rtype: bool,None """ return self._channel.basic.publish(body=self._body, routing_key=routing_key, exchange=exchange, properties=self._properties, mandatory=mandatory, immediate=immediate)
@property def app_id(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: app_id. :return: """ return'app_id') @app_id.setter def app_id(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: app_id. :return: """ self._update_properties('app_id', value) @property def message_id(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: message_id. :return: """ return'message_id') @message_id.setter def message_id(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: message_id. :return: """ self._update_properties('message_id', value) @property def content_encoding(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: content_encoding. :return: """ return'content_encoding') @content_encoding.setter def content_encoding(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: content_encoding. :return: """ self._update_properties('content_encoding', value) @property def content_type(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: content_type. :return: """ return'content_type') @content_type.setter def content_type(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: content_type. :return: """ self._update_properties('content_type', value) @property def correlation_id(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: correlation_id. :return: """ return'correlation_id') @correlation_id.setter def correlation_id(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: correlation_id. :return: """ self._update_properties('correlation_id', value) @property def delivery_mode(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: delivery_mode. :return: """ return'delivery_mode') @delivery_mode.setter def delivery_mode(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: delivery_mode. :return: """ self._update_properties('delivery_mode', value) @property def timestamp(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: timestamp. :return: """ return'timestamp') @timestamp.setter def timestamp(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: timestamp. :return: """ self._update_properties('timestamp', value) @property def priority(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: priority. :return: """ return'priority') @priority.setter def priority(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: priority. :return: """ self._update_properties('priority', value) @property def reply_to(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: reply_to. :return: """ return'reply_to') @reply_to.setter def reply_to(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: reply_to. :return: """ self._update_properties('reply_to', value) @property def message_type(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: message_type. :return: """ return'message_type') @message_type.setter def message_type(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: message_type. :return: """ self._update_properties('message_type', value) @property def expiration(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: expiration. :return: """ return'expiration') @expiration.setter def expiration(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: expiration. :return: """ self._update_properties('expiration', value) @property def user_id(self): """Get AMQP Message attribute: user_id. :return: """ return'user_id') @user_id.setter def user_id(self, value): """Set AMQP Message attribute: user_id. :return: """ self._update_properties('user_id', value) @property def redelivered(self): """Indicates if this message may have been delivered before (but not acknowledged). :rtype: bool,None """ if not self._method: return None return self._method.get('redelivered') @property def delivery_tag(self): """Server-assigned delivery tag. :rtype: int,None """ if not self._method: return None return self._method.get('delivery_tag')
[docs] def json(self): """Deserialize the message body, if it is JSON. :return: """ return json.loads(self.body)
def _update_properties(self, name, value): """Update properties, and keep cache up-to-date if auto decode is enabled. :param str name: Key :param obj value: Value :return: """ if self._auto_decode and 'properties' in self._decode_cache: self._decode_cache['properties'][name] = value self._properties[name] = value def _try_decode_utf8_content(self, content, content_type): """Generic function to decode content. :param object content: :return: """ if not self._auto_decode or not content: return content if content_type in self._decode_cache: return self._decode_cache[content_type] if isinstance(content, dict): content = self._try_decode_dict(content) else: content = try_utf8_decode(content) self._decode_cache[content_type] = content return content def _try_decode_dict(self, content): """Decode content of a dictionary. :param dict content: :return: """ result = dict() for key, value in content.items(): key = try_utf8_decode(key) if isinstance(value, dict): result[key] = self._try_decode_dict(value) elif isinstance(value, list): result[key] = self._try_decode_list(value) elif isinstance(value, tuple): result[key] = self._try_decode_tuple(value) else: result[key] = try_utf8_decode(value) return result @staticmethod def _try_decode_list(content): """Decode content of a list. :param list,tuple content: :return: """ result = list() for value in content: result.append(try_utf8_decode(value)) return result @staticmethod def _try_decode_tuple(content): """Decode content of a tuple. :param tuple content: :return: """ return tuple(Message._try_decode_list(content))